Sunday, November 27, 2022

Reusing ~ do not throw food scraps into the trash bin! (part 2)

 For plant lovers – You can use some of your food scraps to fertilize your plants.

Take banana peels, for example. They are rich in potassium, iron, various vitamins, nitrogen, phosphorous, manganese and copper. Plants love it! And earth worms, too!

You can make banana tea by boiling three or four banana peels in water (make sure you are using water that does not contain chlorine, tap water usually does. You have to let it in the sun for a day and it is ready to use) for fifteen minutes. Let it cool, filter using a strainer and a piece of cloth and use it in 50/50 mixture with water (remember not to use tap water directly) to water your succulents. I store the banana tea in bottles to use when I need it. You can also water your veggies and flowers. Banana peels favor the formation of flowers and fruits. I water my succulents once a week using it. The string of hearts flowers all year round.

You can also put the peels in the oven and roast them until burnt. Then, you have to crush them until they are dust-like. I use the food processor. I mix the banana powder with soil I use to pot plants and in the cans where I have earthworms. They say it is aphrodisiac for them.

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